Peer Mentoring Templates


These sample forms would be incredibly helpful in considering a Peer Mentorship program for your organization. FRP Canada defines Peer Mentors as “parents who volunteer at family resource programs/centres and share their knowledge and experience with others. They help other parents connect with community resources and build support networks. They may also help the program/centre find new families to participate at the centre.” Peer Mentors in the family support sector sometimes have other titles, such as Volunteer Mentor, Parent Mentor or Parent Ambassador. The package includes two guides and a number of sample forms.

The Peer Mentoring Guide for family support practitioners outlines the principles and guidelines for coordinating Peer Mentoring activities in the family support sector.

Click here to download the printer-friendly version.

The Peer Mentoring Guide for family support volunteers is a tool to introduce new Peer Mentors to the mentoring activity. Click here to download the printer-friendly version.

Sample Forms:

Visit the FRP Canada website for additional information, or to learn more about their great work.