BC Centre for Excellence for Women’s Health launches website to support FASD Prevention and Support Programs evaluation


The BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health has launched a new website to support evaluation of its FASD Prevention and Support Programs. fasd-evaluation-website-circles

The website includes detailed information on short-term, intermediate and long-term outcomes; indicators of outcomes; and measurement tools and resources. It compiles evaluation frameworks, methods, tools and indicators of success to support the work of community-based FASD prevention programs for pregnant women and new mothers, and supportive intervention programs for adults and older youth with FASD. There are tailored Evaluation Maps for FASD Prevention Programs, FASD Support Programs and FASD Programs to Aboriginal Communities. The website also offers an opportunity to explore the details behind each circle.

The website and materials are part of a three-year project which aims to:

  1. Create common evaluation frameworks and identify promising methods and tools for FASD programs; and
  2. Support the capacity of community-based organizations to undertake evaluation.

The project website, www.fasd-evaluation.ca, includes practical information, tools and resources on:

  • Program philosophy and approaches, such as trauma-informed and FASD-informed approaches
  • Program, participant and community outcomes
  • Indicators of outcomes
  • Measurement tools and resources

The project team believe that evaluation is a means to:

  • Learn about how a particular model works with the population
  • Learn whether and how program improvements can be made each year
  • Learn what difference the program is making for participants, providers and communities
  • Inform evidence-based decision-making (e.g. re: funding, planning, etc.)

The team have taken a visual approach to organizing the difference concepts and areas, creating visual ring maps that include:

  • Theoretical/philosophical foundations of programs
  • Program activities and program outcomes
  • Participant outcomes
  • Community outcomes & context
  • Systemic outcomes

Starting with the Theoretical/Philosophical Framework ring, the team addressed the following questions,:

  • How are elements defined”
  • How would we know if the program was using such an approach?
  • What might be some indicators? EXAMPLE: Starting from the pregnant woman/mother & child, applying and using an FASD-informed lens to look at the desired approaches for programs/service providers to establish potential Indicators of an FASD-informed approach for programs/service providers:
    • Have training in FASD
    • Use person-first language (child with FASD, not FASD-child)
    • Employ a relational & strengths-based approach
    • Gear practice to developmental age
    • Make accommodations to communication, program format, physical environment
    • Use individualized care plan and 1-1 support
    • Have ongoing FASD-focused supervision
    • Are resourced to enable smaller caseloads

The next 2 rings look at Program Activities/Approaches and Program Outcomes. In the Program Activities/Approaches ring it is important to uncover and highlight activities that are sometimes ‘invisible’. Examples of Program Outcomes to be measured are:

  • Participants have positive experience (e.g. program feels welcoming/safe/respectful)
  • Participants take part in decision making
  • Program is accessible
  • Program is flexible
  • Staff have training, support & supervision
  • Staff employ informed approaches
  • Team works collaboratively
  • Program has funding adequacy

Participant Outcomes are organized by:

  • Health and wellbeing of mother and child
  • Housing and income support
  • Knowledge and skills
  • Relational and spiritual development