November Programs and Training


Aboriginal Infant Development Programs and Training

Visit the website of the Office of the Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Programs to find out about upcoming training opportunities, including:

1. BCAACS 17th Annual Provincial Training and in Hand: Health & Wellness for all Quality Care

November 7th-9th 2014, Pinnacle Pier Hotel, North Vancouver. Register here.

The 2014 conference will offer opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal child mental health and wellness from two distinguished speakers, Charlotte Waddell and Dr. Rod McCormick.

2. Celebration of Play and Learning Conference

November 8, 2014. Register here.

A half-day (6 hour) conference for early childhood professionals. Explore strategies for weaving art, exploration, storytelling, social dramatic play, and other early learning experiences with young children. This practical, hands-on workshop combines thought-provoking theories with practical strategies including Re-Imagining Art with Young Children. Art is an integral part of early childhood settings: we understand art as part of good practice, however sometimes we can feel stuck or uninspired. The conference will offer opportunities to reflect on how can we extend children’s art experience, and how we can create spaces for art to become opportunities for creativity and exploration. Pedagogical Narration: Beginning the Dialogue - Pedagogical Narration is recognized as an important tool for observation and critical reflection in the field of ECE in BC. But there are many uncertainties: The conference will explore: What is it? How do we use it? Why is it important? And how do we fit it into an already busy day?


Upcoming CAPC, CPNP and AHS Trainings funded by PHAC

1. Vancouver Coastal November 27, 2014, Blue Horizon Hotel Topic: Supporting Children with Autism Presenter: Karen Bopp, autism policy consultant for MCFD Registration will begin the first week of November.

2. Vancouver Island March 5 & 6, 2015, Victoria location TBD Featuring: Dr. Gabor Mate and Kim Barthel Registration details will be distributed to Vancouver Island staff in December.

3. Fraser Valley Save the Date! February 26 & 27, 2015, Sheraton Guilford Hotel, Surrey