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Active Start Newsletters from Active for Life

Photo by Shaylyn on Unsplash

Active for Life recognizes that raising an active child isn’t easy; screen devices and busy schedules can threaten to squeeze out time for active play. The Active Start newsletter was created to help parents find ways to build in movement and active play with their children. Regular physical activity is a key factor in the development of brains and bodies as children grow, and parents can help by encouraging an early love of movement in their young children.

The Active Start newsletters provide activities and tips tailored specifically to the age of your child, delivered regularly to your email inbox. The newsletters include activities that develop crawling, climbing, running and jumping, along with articles addressing topics like early brain development, helping parents find the optimum time to introduce skills and activities for their developing child in ways that are engaging and fun for children.

Parents can sign up for the newsletter at:

Active for Life offer 4 easy indoor winter activities for kids at: including:

·      Creating an indoor obstacle course: Outlines for creating a Toddler Obstacle Course can be found at:

·      Practicing balancing poses: Toddler Balance Walk is a great start for young children beginning to learn balance skills, which can be found at:

·      Throwing a family dance party (with links to several “impossible to stay sitting down when this is playing” songs!