How to Support Families Making Health Care Decisions
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
Beststart have produced a resource booklet for healthcare providers to assist in supporting parents, guardians, caregivers and families when making health-related decisions for a child in their care, relating to screening, testing, treatment or medical care.
The guide Making an Informed Decision – A guide for healthcare providers to support families in making health-related decisions for a child is available as a downloadable pdf at
The guide includes a 5-step framework and four supporting tools. Health-related decisions occur when:
· There is more than once care and treatment option available
· There are several benefits and risks for each care and treatment option
· The available care and treatment options can impact patients differently
· There are multiple healthcare providers involved
· There are cultural considerations
Making an informed decision can have many benefits, including increased knowledge, satisfaction, self-efficacy, decision quality, quality of care, and treatment adherence. It can also decrease decisional conflict, anxiety and barriers to communication, and make more effective use of healthcare resources.
The guide operates from the premise that an informed decision requires two-way communication between a healthcare provider and a decision-maker, based on:
· An accurate understanding of the health risk/condition
· The availability of different care and treatment options
· The clinical evidence regarding the benefits and risks of different care and treatment options
· The values, preferences and cultural context of the decision-maker
· Literacy skills and English as a second language
The guide outlines a five-step process, with each step based on evidence-informed strategies related to patient education, patient-centered care, decision coaching, and shared decision making.
1. Discuss the available options
2. Ensure understanding
3. Clarify values and preferences
4. Determine additional needs and resources
5. Identify next steps
Each step includes tips, strategies and conversation prompts that healthcare providers can use to support decision-makers in making an informed decision.
The guide also provides four supporting tools to assist in working through the five steps:
1. “Steps to Making an Informed Decision”: a summary sheet outlining the five-step process, with important considerations each step.
2. “Supporting an Informed Decision: Checklist for Healthcare Providers”, with a process checklist for the support worker at each step, such as, “I used plain language without jargon.”; “I let the decision-maker know they can take more time to decide.”; “I offered supports to overcome potential challenges.”
3. “Making an Informed Decision: Checklist for Families and Caregivers”, with a process checklist for decision-makers at each step, such as, “I was invited to participate in the conversation.”; “I am aware of the care and treatment options available, and their benefits and risks.”; “I reviewed reasons to choose and not choose the options available.”; “I knew I could ask for a medical interpreter or cultural expert.”
4. “Considerations for Indigenous Populations”. This information sheet notes, “While the five-step process for making an informed decision is still relevant with Indigenous populations, there are additional cultural considerations that should be acknowledged to best serve decision-makers. A list of addition culturally-specific considerations is given on the factsheet under the categories of:
a. Develop a solid foundation for discussion
b. Understand and apply key concepts of cultural humility, cultural sensitivity, cultural competence, and cultural safety.
c. Respect diversity amongst Indigenous peoples, groups, and communities
d. Acknowledge cultural values and beliefs