CCRU: A Summary of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements and Action Plans released A Summary of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreements and Actions Plans.

The summary document, compiled by the Childcare Resource and Research Unit of is intended as a reference for the federal/provincial/territorial Agreements and first round of Action Plans for the first phase of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care initiative (CWELCC) introduced in 2021. It is designed as a snapshot of the proposed actions on which the federal government and provinces/territories have reached agreement.

The summary is provided in table form with links to each province/territory’s documents included in Table 5 to enable follow-up for further details.

The summary does not cover all areas of the Agreements. The topics, outlined for each province/territory, that are summarized in the report comprise:

·      Table 1: Affordability

·      Table 2: Expansion to enable accessibility

·      Table 3: Auspice – Ownership of child care services

·      Table 4: The child care workforce

·      Table 5: Signing dates, federal funding by year, links to Agreements and Action Plans