Healthy Snacks for Kids
Photo by Ryland Dean on Unsplash
Active for Life offers suggestions for 30 dietician-designed healthy snacks for active kids on their website.
The article confirms that healthy snacks can be simple, cheap, fast and nutritious. “Your child’s main fuel through the day and during sports is carbohydrate, so wise snack choices should contain carbohydrates. Adding a protein or healthy fat keeps kids going through intense activities longer than an hour and a half. Proteins and fats slow down the release of energy and are important for healthy growth and development.” As well, “the non-perishable foods are safe to leave in the car all day – perfect for days when a pit stop at home isn’t possible.”
The site provides a downloadable pdf chart, listed by non-perishable and perishable, for both carbohydrate foods and for proteins & healthy fats.
When there is opportunity to prepare a snack ahead of time, the site offers the following suggestions:
Ants on a log: Celery sticks filled with peanut or other nut butter and topped with raisins
Simple smoothie: Frozen fruit, Greek yogurt, small amount of 100% fruit juice. You can even add spinach or kale to get some extra veggies in.
Banana roll-up: Spread peanut butter on a whole-wheat tortilla and wrap around a banana.
Power sandwich: Scrambled egg inside a whole wheat English muffin or mini bagel makes a quick and easy sandwich to go. Add chopped peppers or salsa.
Finally, the article offers an important note on hydration:
Does your child need a sport drink during their activity? Most of the time the answer is no. Unless your child is running around or skating constantly for 90 minutes or more, water is the best choice.
Although your child might seem tired after school, energy drinks are not a healthy choice. The ingredients could be harmful to children under 18. Boost your young athlete’s energy with a healthy snack and water instead.